Total Area : 551 Square Feet
Location : Kolambalam, Malappuram
Plot : 4.5 Cent
Budget : 8 Lacks
Completion of the year : November 2022
Signature Builders & Developers
Edavannapara, Malappuram
Engineer : Riyas
Mob : 9946547776
Sit out
Living cum dining hall
2 Bedroom
1 Common bathroom
You can easily and effortlessly live in style with a house like this. Some edges of certain wall embedded with different show walls. The architect has designed it in such a way that you’ll end up giving it once over whether you intent it or not. You’ll notice how well the windows are roofed by using an extended portion of walls. It has not even a hint of curves either, which accentuates its fusion design. It can be afforded by almost anyone looking to build a house of their own. This fusion design house will allow you to use maximum space with in a comfortable construction cost. Simply designed doors and windows adding an uncomplicated touch the outside wall.
The total area of this wonderful home design is 515 square feet. It has 2 bedrooms and a common bathroom is generously large, you can easily have even a bath installed in it. The plan included a small sit out, comfortable living cum dining area with direct access to the kitchen. This is an affordable house design with convenient facilities. It’s not easy to find a design worth building for a single-storey house. This design however might make you change your mind. This begins with small sit out it connects directly with the main entrance into the house. The living cum dining hall is specious enough to accommodate many guests at once. The dining are is positioned well too.
This is an example of a fusion single storey house design. The estimated cost of this house is 8 lacks and designed by Riyas, Signature Builders & Developers, Edavannappara, Malappuram. It has direct access to the kitchen-making the process of serving food from your pan to the plate an effortless task. The rest of the floor is allocated for 2 bedrooms promised to you. Once again, this house is inspired by a flat roof making the house very modern and stunning. A stair area is positioned beside the house, that’ll lead you to the roof. If you want more space, then perhaps you can have another floor built in the future. Has the elevation of this compelling house piqued your interest ? Then don’t hesitate from getting in touch with the architect for more information on the cost and plan.