Vastu shastra defines the natural way of life. It offers us the right way to stay positive, successful, peaceful within you and happy. Bedroom being important room in the home, you have to know several aspects of positioning different elements in the room. You have to be careful about what kind of almirah you bring in the bedroom. First of all, the bedroom cabinet or almirah should be placed in the south-west direction of the room.
The room should open to the north. It should be placed leaving the north-east, south-east, north-west corners and north direction. Mirrors on the almirah should be avoided. It is believed that mirrors that cause quarrel in the house and so it should be covered with a curtain. The cash almirah should not be kept on shaky platform it should stand on leveled floor.
The money and jewellery should be placed in the north direction of the house. It is the direction of kuber and is the best place to keep wealth. The location should be such that it should not touch the wall of the bedroom. In this way, the air movement is free flowing and free of obstacles. If you place your almirah, wardrobes or lockers the way vastu shasthra recommends will add to the wealth and prosperity of your family.